Guitar 0408 – Making the Mold
June 29, 2008
Used the free MDF from Dunn to build a mold for the Parlor. I spent some time at the drafting board (really the ping pong table) and first made the posterboard half plate using the plans as a guide. Then transferred to plexiglass to make a permanent half plate. Used the plexiglass to trace on the MDF to start building the mold.
I ended up making the mold three ply, with the center section kind of a set of spacers rather than full sheet. Was very careful to make square and to line up perfectly when adding the bolts. Still, it’s a skosh off kilter, maybe by 1 mm. I think that’s within my tolerances. It looks right, and I put the sides in and the spreaders, and it will sit a bit before I get back to trimming the sides and gluing in the neck and butt block.
Ron Zentz on 03 Jul 2008 at 2:13 pm #
Hi Stephen…really nice web site! I did not see everything but browsed a bit. Send me the password when you can. I hope to transcribe my notes too and integrate the pics from class. I don’t maintain a web site but I think my email service may allow an area for uploads and downlowds. I’m guessing the file will be too big for email it I ever get it done. I was thinking that it might be neat to put it in PowerPoint with the notes entered in the “notes” view and the photos on the slides. I’ll think about it.
You’ve really jumped in with both feet! I’m envious of your progress and especially your maple commission. I think I may start with some lousy wood first and then move up if that goes well. Don’t know if I will start with the maple guitar but it will be one of my first several attempts for sure.
Keep up the good work and good luck with the commissions…take care.
Ron Zentz