Guitar 0308 – Back attached, top bracing in progress
June 21, 2008
Cut down fiberglass rod stock (1/4″) to 18″ lengths to use in go bar clamping deck for attaching back and top. Worked verrrrrry carefully to notch out kerfing on back to accept bracing. Intentionally routed out less depth than needed, then checked and used a mini-rasp to deepen each notch as needed. Also used glue verrrrry sparingly on kerfing. The new rods for the go bar gave plenty of pressure, the small amount of glue held and I had no squeeze out to clean up after.
Returned to working on the top bracing. Trimmed back the side bracing fingers to accept the X braces snugly between the bridge plate and the side braces. Trimmed down the side braces, bringing them to a point. Notched the flat brace at the top to leave room for the truss rod adjust and glued in the mid cross brace just above the soundhole. This brace was drilled prior to gluing for allen wrench access to the truss rod.