August 26, 2009

Multitasking.  While clamped and glued bracing dries, I started on the neck.  I’m using a 3″ x 1″ mahogany board and using the angled headstock cut and reverse to create a long grain headstock.  I have a special jig I use to hold the neck blank and cut at the desired angle.  For this guitar I’m using 12 degrees.


After slicing off the headstock piece, I plane the surfaces which came out of the cut to give a perfectly flat edge I can use to glue.  Using the same jig as a clamp, I roll the headstock wedge over and glue it to the back of the neck blank.  This will sit for 12 hours before releasing from the clamp.  Next step is to build a stacked heel with the same neck blank material.
