Guitar 905 – Rebraced, box assembled, ready for binding
December 20, 2009
I reinstalled two new lower bout braces to bring the back to a 15′ radius dome. The first step was to remove the original braces then put the back on the 15′ radius dish held down by the go-bar clamps. Once the new braces were shaped and kerf was removed where the braces meet the sides, they were glued in place and clamped in the go-bar platform. Kerf was then reinstalled over the braces.
After drying, the top was glued on. The back and sides were no longer in the mold, so to ensure the back dome remained, I clamped the back down through the soundhole, then glued the top to the sides. After setting, I removed from the go-bar and trimmed the top and back scarf using a flush router bit, sanded the hell out of the whole thing then installed the butt graft.
I sawed fret slots through the installed inlay and sanded the headstock in preparation for binding the headstock.
To protect the top during the remainder of construction I applied a light coat of shellac. It will be sanded off prior to finishing with lacquer. Here’s a first look prior to binding and installing the neck.