Guitar 1001 – Further progress on the neck
June 10, 2010
After the neck block extension came out of the clamps, I was able to trim it down and flush it up with the original block.
It is now a wee bit oversized, but I’ll trim down the height just before gluing it to the sides.
I trimmed up the ebony headstock veneer after it too came out of the clamps. I level sanded the neck where it glues to the fretboard, remeasured where the 14th fret should land and traced out the heel curve, then sanded it out with the spindle sander.
I also sketched in the eventual thickness of the headstock and the taper for the back of the neck from the headstock to the heel. After installing a new blade in the bandsaw, I’ll cut to the sketch lines in preparation for initial neck shaping. I won’t shape the neck until I receive the headstock inlay, as routing out the inlay channel will be easier to do with a squared headstock secured in the vise.