April 26, 2011

Got a lot done today between printing lesson plans and teaching 9th graders how to divide exponents.  I planed and radius sanded the back until it was in shape to accept kerfing.


Lots to do on the inside before gluing on the back.  Side reinforcements go in, three to a side.


The soundhole needs to be reinforced with two spruce braces.


The ladder bracing on the back was trimmed back, and a label was secured to the back as well.  The soundhole is too small to get my fat mitts into to glue in the label, which is what I usually do with guitars.  The back was trimmed down at the waist to accomodate a clamp to press in against the side waist to square up the sides.


The back is glued to the kerf and held down with spool clamps.


Later tonight, after the glue dries, I’ll flush up the sides and it will appear to be a ukulele.