May 27, 2008
I’m doing my famous two guitars at once routine, which is actually working out quite well. This allows me to slowly proceed on one guitar, waiting for things on it to dry/cure/settle, then move on to the second guitar and advance through it’s dry/cure/settle phase.
The Maple OM top sides have been sanded in the 30′ radius dish and kerfing applied. The neck and tail block have nicely settled in from the sanding, and the kerfing process is a no brainer for me now. Once the glue dries, I will radius sand again to bring the kerfing down flush with the sides for the top. Then I’ll turn it over and proceed with the planing of the back sides down to the rough shape before using the 15′ radius dish for final sanding before kerfing the back.

I thought it was going to be a chore to get the fretboard sanded down to the 16″ radius, but with my radius sanding block, it went fast, and it looks great. I have ordered black plastic dots for the maple fretboard and will finish the fretboard surface with a spray lacquer (and I think before I install the frets).